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Changing electronic use behavior in adolescents while studying: An interventional psychology experiment

Kumar et al. | Mar 02, 2024

Changing electronic use behavior in adolescents while studying: An interventional psychology experiment
Image credit: RAMSHA ASAD

Here, the authors investigated the effects of an interventional psychology on the study habits of high school students specifically related to the use of electronic distractions such as social media or texting, listening to music, or watching TV. They reported varying degrees of success between the control and intervention groups, suggesting that the methods of habit-breaking for students merits further study.


Analyzing the effects of multiple adhesives on elastic collisions and energy loss in a Newton’s Cradle

Isham et al. | Feb 02, 2024

Analyzing the effects of multiple adhesives on elastic collisions and energy loss in a Newton’s Cradle

The energy conservation in a system of objects in collision depends on the elasticity of the objects and environmental factors such as air resistance. One system that relies heavily on elasticity is the Newton’s Cradle. We aimed to determine the extent to which these adhesives serve to mitigate or worsen the chaotic movements and elastic collisions.