If you are interested in volunteering with JEI as a Reviewer or an Editor, please see our prospective staff page.
We also occasionally have director positions that open up within the organization. Please email questions(at)emerginginvestigators.org if you are interested in one of these positions (please know that most of these positions do benefit from volunteering with our editorial branch, and this may be a requirement depending on the position).
There are several ways you can support JEI! If you are interested in supporting us through volunteer opportunities, check out our prospective staff page for more information.
If you are interested in supporting JEI financially, you can do so with a one time or monthly donation here. We also accept sponsorships from different organizations. For more information about sponsorship with JEI please contact our Executive Director. JEI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible.
Lastly, you can help support JEI by just simply spreading the word! You can let young scientists know that we exist and that they should look into submitting their work with us, or you can share that we have volunteer editorial opportunities to any graduate students you know. We truly appreciate any support you can provide.
YES! JEI takes submissions from outside of the United States. Anyone is welcome to submit to JEI that meets our author eligibility criteria. All JEI articles must be written in English, so we do recommend finding additional help with your writing if English is not your first language as it will help your review process go a bit smoother.
Yes, JEI charges a $45 fee at the time of submission. This helps to offset the costs we incur for each manuscript that enters the review process. JEI is a non-profit organization and the vast majority of our staff are volunteers who receive no monetary compensation for their work on manuscripts. Individuals that need a waiver for this submission fee can submit a request once ready to submit their manuscript through the submission checklist page. This $45 fee would be the only fee charged to submit and publish with JEI - there will NOT be a separate publication fee once the article is accepted.
Students are not allowed to submit their own work as we require there to be an adult outside of any 18+ student authors on each manuscript. More information is found on our author eligibility and information page.
Instructions for formatting manuscripts are found in our submission guidelines and on our manuscript template.
All manuscripts to JEI must be submitted through our Editorial Manager platform. Information on the files needed along with access to our platform is found in our submission guidelines. JEI does not take any submissions or revisions via email due to the number of submissions we handle at once.
No. JEI only allows one submission from student authors at a time. More information on this policy is provided on our review process page.
The length of the review process varies based on time of year, number of submissions we are currently processing in our system, and the completeness of revisions made by authors. We extensively cover our review process elsewhere on our website.
Extensions are always granted at JEI - the deadlines you are given are not firm and only meant to help keep the manuscript moving along in the process. You do not need to email us to request or get a deadline extension. Further information on deadlines can be found on the communication with JEI page.
Emails that editors send from Editorial Manager are automatically configured to be addressed to the submitting author of the manuscript (typically the senior author of the work). Any other author that has a valid email address in Editorial Manager will be copied on emails. Despite emails being addressed to the corresponding author, the body of the email is generally directed to the student author(s). How emails are addressed does not reflect the actual author order that will be listed on the manuscript - that information is taken from the manuscript Word file.
A DOI is a Digital Object Identifier. All JEI articles are registered after publication and given a DOI. The DOI is a permanent ID and link to the article that will never change. Unless indicated otherwise by style guidelines, you should always include your article’s DOI when citing it anywhere.
It is important to note that a DOI is not the same as indexing your article. Indexing most often refers to depositing your article in a particular repository, such as PubMed or GoogleScholar. JEI articles are not indexed.
That’s okay - we can still fix it for you! Just email submissions(at)emerginginvestigators.org to let us know. In your email give us the link to your article from our website, tell us exactly what needs to be changed and if it is not in the title, or author names/affiliations please send us the PDF of your article with the area we need to be looking at highlighted.
When your article was published will influence how quickly we are able to make any requested changes and get the updates pushed to our website. In some cases we may have to ask you to send us the Word file and figure files of your manuscript in order to make the changes.
NOTE: Requests to change large parts of the manuscript or anything that might impact the interpretation of the presented results are left to the discretion of the co-Editors in Chief on whether they will be allowed.