
For Students

Annotated Manuscript: an example of a finished manuscript with notes to help you understand everything you need to get your research published.
Websites to help students in literature research:
PubMed: a great tool for finding research articles on a variety of subjects
PubMed Central: curates research articles without paywalls
Google Scholar: find primary literature on all scientific topics
Directory of Open Access Journals: find additional open-access journals here
General science programs or websites devoted to middle and high school scientists:
The Archimedes Initiative: a site rich in videos in which students talk to other students about doing science fair projects
Science News: Magazine of the Society for Science and the Public
Science News for Kids: An online publication by the Society for Science and the Public targeted at middle- and high-school students
Science Daily: Online repository of recent and popular news in research
Howard Hughes Medical Institute – BioInteractive: a collection of resources for high school students and teachers
Science Club for Girls: A Boston area non-profit offering girls-specific programming in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
Science Buddies: Excellently researched science fair project ideas A Guide for Women in STEM
BostonTechMom: BostonTechMom is a resource for parents who want to inspire their children to explore and learn about STEM. Its mission is to encourage kids to explore STEM at a young age and help parents find programs that will excite and motivate their children. The BostonTechMom website connects parents with high-quality STEM events, programs, and activities that expose kids to technology in fun, meaningful, and engaging ways.
Free STEM Resources By Public Librariesan article outlining available resources in US public libraries, with specifics by state

For Teachers

A list of websites that may be helpful when developing or implementing inquiry based education into your curriculum:
Boston University School of Medicine – CityLab: A fully equipped biotechnology laboratory available to middle and high school students as well as educators interested in biotechnology
Incorporating JEI in the classroom: A guide to using JEI resources in a high school science class
JEI Scavenger Hunt: Can your students find these important parts of a professional science manuscript?