PID and fuzzy logic optimization of the pitch control of wind turbines
(1) West Vancouver Secondary School
In the future, wind turbines may become an important source of energy generation because of their scalability and ability to be constructed in most places on Earth. To meet net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, emissions need to be reduced globally. This can be achieved in part by making renewable energy cheaper than fossil fuels. The energy production of wind turbines may be increased by integrating a smart controller that can optimize the pitch angles of the turbine. A smart controller would also reduce maintenance and servicing costs while increasing the turbine’s functional lifespan. By integrating proportional-integral-derivative (PID) and fuzzy logic controllers, which are used in many industrial control systems, the pitch control of a wind turbine could be optimized to generate the most electricity while avoiding overshoot. We hypothesized that the fuzzy-PID controller, which uses both fuzzy and PID controller algorithms, would be the most optimal for electricity generation by having the shortest settling and rise time with very little overshoot and settling error. We modeled a proportional-integral (PI) controller, a proportional-derivative (PD) controller, a PID controller, 7 and 9 membership function fuzzy controllers, and a fuzzy-PID controller in Simulink. In general, we observed that fuzzy logic-based controllers rose and settled slower than PID-based controllers with less overshoot and steady-state error. Overall, the PID controller had a fast rise time with little overshoot and appeared to be the most optimal for electricity generation, but the PI controller provided the best life span for the wind turbine by having zero overshoot with a slightly slower rise time.
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