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Propagation of representation bias in machine learning

Dass-Vattam et al. | Jun 10, 2021

Propagation of representation bias in machine learning

Using facial recognition as a use-case scenario, we attempt to identify sources of bias in a model developed using transfer learning. To achieve this task, we developed a model based on a pre-trained facial recognition model, and scrutinized the accuracy of the model’s image classification against factors such as age, gender, and race to observe whether or not the model performed better on some demographic groups than others. By identifying the bias and finding potential sources of bias, his work contributes a unique technical perspective from the view of a small scale developer to emerging discussions of accountability and transparency in AI.


Monitoring drought using explainable statistical machine learning models

Cheung et al. | Oct 28, 2024

Monitoring drought using explainable statistical machine learning models

Droughts have a wide range of effects, from ecosystems failing and crops dying, to increased illness and decreased water quality. Drought prediction is important because it can help communities, businesses, and governments plan and prepare for these detrimental effects. This study predicts drought conditions by using predictable weather patterns in machine learning models.


Model selection and optimization for poverty prediction on household data from Cambodia

Wong et al. | Sep 29, 2023

Model selection and optimization for poverty prediction on household data from Cambodia
Image credit: Paul Szewczyk

Here the authors sought to use three machine learning models to predict poverty levels in Cambodia based on available household data. They found teat multilayer perceptron outperformed the other models, with an accuracy of 87 %. They suggest that data-driven approaches such as these could be used more effectively target and alleviate poverty.