The authors compare rates of renewable energy adoption between states that historically vote for democrats versus republicans in presidential elections.
Read More...The impact of political ideologies on renewable energy adoption
The authors compare rates of renewable energy adoption between states that historically vote for democrats versus republicans in presidential elections.
Read More...Who controls U.S. politics? An analysis of major political endorsements in U.S. midterm elections
The authors analyze political endorsement patterns and impacts from the 2018 and 2020 midterm elections and find that such endorsements may be predictable based on the ideological and demographic factors of the endorser.
Read More...Do self-expression values affect global jazz popularity? An analysis of postmaterialism and political activity
Jazz music is a unique American art form that has spread around the world. Iyer and Iyer study this spread through a computational sociology project examining how jazz popularity is correlated with postmaterialism (an ideology that values self-expression) and political activity.
Read More...Grammatical Gender and Politics: A Comparison of French and English in Political Discourse
Grammatical gender systems are prevalent across many languages, and when comparing French and English the existence of this system becomes a strong distinction. There have been studies that attribute assigned grammatical gender with the ability to influence conceptualization (attributing gender attributes) of all nouns, thus affecting people's thoughts on a grand scale. We hypothesized that due to the influence of a grammatical gender system, French political discourse would have a large difference between the number of masculine and feminine nouns used. Specifically, we predicted there would be a larger ratio of feminine to masculine nouns in French political discourse than in non-political discourse when compared to English discourse. Through linguistic analysis of gendered nouns in French political writing, we found that there is a clear difference between the number of feminine versus masculine nouns, signaling a preference for a more “effeminate” language.
Read More...Unveiling bias in ChatGPT-3.5: Analyzing constitutional AI principles for politically biased responses
Various methods exist to mitigate bias in AI models, including "Constitutional AI," a technique which guides the AI to behave according to a list of rules and principles. Lo, Poosarla, Singhal, Li, Fu, and Mui investigate whether constitutional AI can reduce bias in AI outputs on political topics.
Read More...Sri Lankan Americans’ views on U.S. racial issues are influenced by pre-migrant ethnic prejudice and identity
In this study, the authors examined how Sri Lankan Americans (SLAs) view racial issues in the U.S. The main hypothesis is that SLAs, as a minority in the U.S., are supportive of the Black Lives Matter movement and its political goal, challenging the common notion that SLAs are anti-Black. The study found that a majority of SLAs believe the U.S. has systemic racism, favor BLM, and favor affirmative action. IT also found that Tamil SLAs have more favorable views of BLM and affirmative action than Sinhalese SLAs.
Read More...Demographic indicators of voter shift between 2016 and 2020 presidential elections
In this study, the authors investigate the demographic indicators for voter shift between the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections based on demographic data put through a K-nearest neighbors classification algorithm and Principal Component Analysis.
Read More...Genetic algorithm based features selection for predicting the unemployment rate of India
The authors looked at using genetic algorithms to look at the Indian labor market and what features might best explain any variation seen. They found that features such as economic growth and household consumption, among others, best explained variation.
Read More...Specific Transcription Factors Distinguish Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells From Fibroblasts
Stem cells are at the forefront of research in regenerative medicine and cell therapy. Two essential properties of stem cells are self-renewal and potency, having the ability to specialize into different types of cells. Here, Park and Jeong took advantage of previously identified stem cell transcription factors associated with potency to differentiate umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (US-MSCs) from morphologically similar fibroblasts. Western blot analysis of the transcription factors Klf4, Nanog, and Sox2 revealed their expression was unique to US-MSCs providing insight for future methods of differentiating between these cell lines.
Read More...Investigating Teen Audism: The Development and Use of a Survey Scale to Measure Misconceptions of the Deaf Community in a Hearing High School
The authors explore hearing students' misconceptions about the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (HoH) community. Results indicate that some misconceptions are more common than others, and that personal experience with individuals in the Deaf and HoH community reduces the frequency of such misconceptions.