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Collaboration beats heterogeneity: Improving federated learning-based waste classification

Chong et al. | Jul 18, 2023

Collaboration beats heterogeneity: Improving federated learning-based waste classification

Based on the success of deep learning, recent works have attempted to develop a waste classification model using deep neural networks. This work presents federated learning (FL) for a solution, as it allows participants to aid in training the model using their own data. Results showed that with less clients, having a higher participation ratio resulted in less accuracy degradation by the data heterogeneity.


Increasing Average Yearly Temperature in Two U.S. Cities Shows Evidence for Climate Change

Savage et al. | Sep 20, 2018

Increasing Average Yearly Temperature in Two U.S. Cities Shows Evidence for Climate Change

The authors were interested in whether they could observe the effects of climate change by analyzing historical temperature data of two U.S. cities. They predicted that they should observe a warming trend in both cities. Their results showed that despite yearly variations, warming trends can be observed both in Rochester, NY and Seattle, WA which fit the predictions of climate change forecasts.


Advancing pediatric cancer predictions through generative artificial intelligence and machine learning

Yadav et al. | Dec 21, 2024

Advancing pediatric cancer predictions through generative artificial intelligence and machine learning

Pediatric cancers pose unique challenges due to their rarity and distinct biological factors, emphasizing the need for accurate survival prediction to guide treatment. This study integrated generative AI and machine learning, including synthetic data, to analyze 9,184 pediatric cancer patients, identifying age at diagnosis, cancer types, and anatomical sites as significant survival predictors. The findings highlight the potential of AI-driven approaches to improve survival prediction and inform personalized treatment strategies, with broader implications for innovative healthcare applications.


Exploring differences in men’s marijuana consumption and cigarette smoking by race and citizenship status

Miriyala et al. | Sep 04, 2024

Exploring differences in men’s marijuana consumption and cigarette smoking by race and citizenship status

This study examined the relationship between citizenship status, racial background, and the use of marijuana and cigarettes among males in California using data from the 2017–2018 California Health Interview Survey. Findings indicated that non-citizens and naturalized citizens were less likely to use marijuana compared to US-born citizens, while Asian and Latino males were less likely to consume marijuana than White males. Additionally, various racial groups were more likely to smoke cigarettes compared to White males, suggesting that targeted health interventions based on citizenship status and race could be beneficial.


High school students show some reluctance to COVID-19 guidelines

Basit Abid et al. | Jun 25, 2024

High school students show some reluctance to COVID-19 guidelines
Image credit: The authors

COVID-19 has officially been downgraded from the status of a global health emergency, but have COVID-19 safety practices become a new way of life for students? The authors collected survey data on COVID-19-related knowledge and behaviors of high-school students in Punjab, Pakistan and Santa Clara County, California, USA, so see where high-schoolers stand on pandemic safety today.