Investigation of resonant vibration using cello model
Read More...Exploring the resonant vibration of a cello with the finite element method
The impact of greenhouse gases, regions, and sectors on future temperature anomaly with the FaIR model
This study explores how different economic sectors, geographic regions, and greenhouse gas types might affect future global mean surface temperature (GMST) anomalies differently from historical patterns. Using the Finite Amplitude Impulse Response (FaIR) model and four Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) — SSP126, SSP245, SSP370, and SSP585 — the research reveals that future contributions to GMST anomalies.
Read More...Assessing grass water use efficiency through smartphone imaging and ImageJ analysis
Overwatering and underwatering grass are widespread issues with environmental and financial consequences. This study developed an accessible method to assess grass water use efficiency (WUE) combining smartphone imaging with open access color unmixing analysis. The method can be applied in automated irrigation systems or apps, providing grass WUE assessment for regular consumer use.