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Shortage of Black physicians: Florida Black medical student enrollment from 2013 to 2021

Khan et al. | Sep 18, 2024

Shortage of Black physicians: Florida Black medical student enrollment from 2013 to 2021

Black patients tend to have better health outcomes when cared for by Black physicians, yet Black doctors make up only 5% of U.S. physicians, despite Black people comprising 14% of the population. This analysis of data from Florida medical schools showed a higher enrollment of Black first-year students (13.5%) compared to the national average (9%), and a national increase from 6% in 2013 to 9% in 2021, aligning with the rise of social justice movements. Increasing Black medical student enrollment could reduce health disparities and improve outcomes for Black communities.


Characterization of antibacterial properties of common spices

Gehad et al. | Oct 03, 2020

Characterization of antibacterial properties of common spices

Bacterial infection is resurging as one of the most dangerous challenges facing the medical establishment. Americans spend about 55 to 70 billion dollars per year on antibiotics, yet these antibiotics are becoming increasingly ineffective as illness-causing bacteria gain resistance to the prescribed drugs. We tested if 11 commonly-used spices could inhibit growth of the gram-negative bacteria, E. coli, the main takeaway from these experiments is that certain spices and herbs have antibacterial effects that inhibit growth of E.coli , and these spices could show similarly promising activity towards other bacteria.


Racial and gender disparities in the portrayal of lawyers and physicians on television

Asadi et al. | Nov 18, 2022

Racial and gender disparities in the portrayal of lawyers and physicians on television

Powered by the sociological framework that exposure to television bleeds into social biases, limiting media representation of women and minority groups may lead to real-world implications and manifestations of racial and gender disparities. To address this phenomenon, the researchers in this article take a look at primetime fictional representation of minorities and women as lawyers and physicians and compare television representation to census data of the same groups within real-world legal and medical occupations. The authors maintain the hypothesis that representation of female and minority groups as television lawyers and doctors is lower than that of their white male counterparts relative to population demographics - a trend that they expect to also be reflected in actual practice. With fictional racial and gender inequalities and corresponding real-world trends highlighted within this article, the researchers call for address towards representation biases that reinforce each other in both fictional and non-fictional spheres.


Antibacterial effectiveness of turmeric against gram-positive Staphylococcus epidermidis

Cox et al. | Jan 10, 2022

Antibacterial effectiveness of turmeric against gram-positive <i>Staphylococcus epidermidis</i>

Infections caused by antibiotic resistance are a leading issue faced by the medical field. The authors studied the antibacterial effectiveness of turmeric against gram-positive Staphylococcus epidermidis using antibiotic sensitivity disks. They infused blank antibiotic sensitivity disks with a 5% concentrated solution of turmeric and placed them on agar plates inoculated with bacteria. Overall, there was no measurable ZOI surrounding the turmeric disk so the measurements for all trials were 0 cm, suggesting that turmeric at a 5% concentration is not an effective antibacterial against S. epidermidis.


Sepia bandensis ink inhibits polymerase chain reactions

Novoselov et al. | Sep 21, 2020

<em>Sepia bandensis</em> ink inhibits polymerase chain reactions

While cephalopods play significant roles in both ecosystems and medical research, there is currently no assembled genome. In an attempt to sequence the Sepia bandensis genome, it was found that there was inhibition from the organism during DNA extraction, resulting in PCR failure. In this study, researchers tested the hypothesis that S. bandensis ink inhibits PCR. They then assessed the impact of ink on multiple methods of DNA extraction


Using Gravitational Waves to Determine if Primordial Black Holes are Sources of Dark Matter

Sivakumar et al. | Jul 15, 2024

Using Gravitational Waves to Determine if Primordial Black Holes are Sources of Dark Matter

In the quest to understand dark matter, scientists face a profound mystery. Two compelling candidates, Massive Compact Halo Objects (MACHOs) and Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), have emerged as potential sources. By analyzing gravitational waves from binary mergers involving these black holes, authors sought to determine if MACHOs could be the elusive dark matter.


OLED Screens Better Exhibit the Color Black than LCD Screens

Donahue et al. | Nov 04, 2020

 OLED Screens Better Exhibit the Color Black than LCD Screens

There are two types of competing TV screens on the market, organic light emitting diode (OLED) and liquid crystal display (LCD). The better capability to exhibit black results in higher contrast images. Here, authors compared the ability of the two types of screens to show black in an environment eliminating external light.


A Temperature-Based Comparison of Compounds Found in Bao Chong Tea, Green Tea, and Black Tea

Lin et al. | May 14, 2019

A Temperature-Based Comparison of Compounds Found in Bao Chong Tea, Green Tea, and Black Tea

While tea has a complex history, recently the health benefits of this beverage have come into focus. In this study, researchers sought to compare the levels of caffeine, catechins and L-theanine between different types of tea using NMR spectroscopy. Further, the impact of brewing temperature on the release of these compounds was also assessed. Of those tested, Bao Chong tea had the highest levels of these compounds. Brewing temperatures between 45ºC and 75ºC were found to be optimal for compound release. These results can help consumers make informed choices about their tea preparation and intake.


The effect of bioenhancers on ampicillin-sulbactam as a treatment against A. baumannii

Balaji et al. | Sep 21, 2024

The effect of bioenhancers on ampicillin-sulbactam as a treatment against <i>A. baumannii<i>

This article explores the potential of piperine, a bioenhancer from black pepper, to improve antibiotic efficacy against antibiotic-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii. By combining piperine with ampicillin-sulbactam, the study demonstrated a significant reduction in bacterial growth for most strains tested, showcasing the promise of bioenhancers in combating resistant pathogens. This research highlights the possibility of reducing the required antibiotic dosage, potentially offering a new strategy in the fight against drug-resistant bacteria.