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Determining the Effects of Voice Pitch on Adolescent Perception, Subconscious Bias, and Marketing Success Using Electroencephalography

Guan et al. | Apr 28, 2021

Determining the Effects of Voice Pitch on Adolescent Perception, Subconscious Bias, and Marketing Success Using Electroencephalography

Voice pitch affects perceived authoritativeness, competency, and leadership capacity. In this study, the authors suggest that examining certain measures of brain activity collected using an affordable EEG could predict advertising effectiveness, which may be invaluable in future neuromarketing research. Understanding voice pitch and other factors that cause implicit bias may allow significant advances in marketing, facilitating business success.


Groundwater prediction using artificial intelligence: Case study for Texas aquifers

Sharma et al. | Apr 19, 2024

Groundwater prediction using artificial intelligence: Case study for Texas aquifers

Here, in an effort to develop a model to predict future groundwater levels, the authors tested a tree-based automated artificial intelligence (AI) model against other methods. Through their analysis they found that groundwater levels in Texas aquifers are down significantly, and found that tree-based AI models most accurately predicted future levels.


Impacts of the gut microbiota on arginine synthesis

Lane et al. | Aug 15, 2024

Impacts of the gut microbiota on arginine synthesis

In this article the authors looked at arginine synthesis across different bacteria commonly found in different regional diets. They found that B. megaterium and C. sporogenes both caused a higher pH to occur on their agar plates compared to other bacteria tested indicating a greater amount of arginine synthesis.