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PID and fuzzy logic optimization of the pitch control of wind turbines

Zhou et al. | Jan 28, 2025

PID and fuzzy logic optimization of the pitch control of wind turbines
Image credit: The authors

Wind turbines are a valuable source of renewable energy, but face challenges related to unpredictable wind speed. The turbine must be able to control its angle to catch enough wind to generate electricity, while avoiding excess wind that may damage the turbine. Zhou and Wang explore different types of smart turbine controllers to see which appears optimal for electricity generation.


Economic performance of solar energy systems financed with green bonds in New Jersey

Peng et al. | Jan 22, 2025

Economic performance of solar energy systems financed with green bonds in New Jersey
Image credit: Peng and Peng 2025

Global reliance on extractive energy sources has many downsides, among which are inconsistent supply and consequent price volatility that distress companies and consumers. It is unclear if renewable energy offers stable and affordable solutions to extractive energy sources. The cost of solar energy generation has decreased sharply in recent years, prompting a surge of installations with a range of financing options. Even so, most existing options require upfront payment, making installation inaccessible for towns with limited financial resources. The primary objective of our research is to examine the use of green bonds to finance solar energy systems, as they eliminate the need for upfront capital and enable repayment through revenue generated over time. We hypothesized that if we modeled the usage of green bonds to finance the installation of a solar energy system in New Jersey, then the revenue generated over the system’s lifetime would be enough to repay the bond. After modeling the financial performance of a proposed solar energy-producing carport in Madison, New Jersey, financed with green bonds, we found that revenue from solar energy systems successfully covered the annual green bond payments and enabled the installers to obtain over 50% of the income for themselves. Our research demonstrated green bonds as a promising option for New Jersey towns with limited financial resources seeking to install solar energy systems, thereby breaking down a financial barrier.


Obscurity of eyebrows influences recognition of human emotion and impacts older adolescents

Zhang et al. | Jan 20, 2025

Obscurity of eyebrows influences recognition of human emotion and impacts older adolescents
Image credit: Ernesto Norman

Here, seeking to better understand how facial features provide important visual cues to help convey emotions, the authors evaluated the accuracy and reaction time of participants in regards to experimental photographs where a person's eyebrows were obscured and ones where they were not. Their findings revealed that removing eyebrows resulted in a significant decrease in a participant's ability to recognize anger, with adolescents most likely to misidentify emotions.


Unit-price anchoring affects consumer purchasing behavior

James et al. | Jan 15, 2025

Unit-price anchoring affects consumer purchasing behavior

This study examines how anchoring—providing numerical suggestions like "2 for $4"—can influence consumer purchasing decisions and increase revenue. The researchers tested three types of price anchors on 29 high school students shopping in a mock store.


Increasing CO2 levels in water decrease the hatching success of brine shrimp

Greer et al. | Jan 07, 2025

Increasing CO<sub>2</sub> levels in water decrease the hatching success of brine shrimp
Image credit: "Live brine shrimp" by Saul Dolgin is licensed under CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

As atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels rise, ocean acidification poses a growing threat to marine ecosystems. To better understand these changes, this study investigates how varying CO2 levels influence the growth of brine shrimp. The findings offer important insights into the resilience of aquatic life and the broader implications of environmental change.