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Country-level relationship of OTC medicine consumption and frequency of GP consultation

Hirai et al. | Dec 09, 2024

Country-level relationship of OTC medicine consumption and frequency of GP consultation

The discussion surrounding self-medication with non-prescription medicines has gained significance in healthcare and public health, particularly given the global increase in consumption of non-prescription drugs. This study aimed to examine the association between the frequency of general practitioner (GP) consultations and the proportion of economic resources spent on OTC medicine.


Paralyzing effects of CO2 and hypothermia on Madagascar hissing and dubia cockroaches

Gapon et al. | Dec 08, 2024

Paralyzing effects of CO<sub>2</sub> and hypothermia on Madagascar hissing and dubia cockroaches
Image credit: Jesper Aggergaard

Here the authors sought to find a more ethical and efficient way to temporary paralyze a cockroach by comparing the results of two methods. By comparing immobilization through immersion in cold water and exposure to a 100 % CO2 environment, they found that cockroaches could be immobilized and recovered significantly faster when exposed to CO2.


An exploration of western mosquitofish as the animal component in an aquaponic farming system

Medina et al. | Dec 03, 2024

An exploration of western mosquitofish as the animal component in an aquaponic farming system
Image credit: The authors

Aquaponics (the combination of aquatic plant farming with fish production) is an innovative farming practice, but the fish that are typically used, like tilapia, are expensive and space-consuming to cultivate. Medina and Alvarez explore other options test if mosquitofish are a viable option in the aquaponic cultivation of herbs and microgreens.


Genetic Bioaugmentation of Oryza sativa to Facilitate Self-Detoxification of Arsenic In-Situ

Bhat et al. | Dec 03, 2024

Genetic Bioaugmentation of Oryza sativa to Facilitate Self-Detoxification of Arsenic In-Situ

Arsenic contamination in rice, caused by the use of arsenic-laden groundwater for irrigation, is a growing global concern, affecting over 150 million people. To address this, researchers hypothesized that genetically modifying rice plants with arsenic-resistant genes could reduce arsenic uptake and allow the plants to detoxify arsenic, making them safer to consume.