Almost all urban areas face the challenge of urban heat islands, areas with substantially hotter land surface temperatures than the surrounding rural areas. These areas are associated with worse air and water
quality, increased power outages, and increased heat-related illnesses. To learn more about these areas, Ustin et al. analyze satellite images of Cleveland neighborhoods to find out if there is a correlation between surface area development and surface temperature.
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Analyzing aerosol variation during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown using satellite data
In this study, the authors use aerosol optical depth data to determine if aerosol levels were lower in major metropolitan areas around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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COVID-19 has impacted the way many people go about their daily lives, but what are the main factors driving the changes in the housing market, particular house prices?
Read More...Exploring differences in men’s marijuana consumption and cigarette smoking by race and citizenship status
This study examined the relationship between citizenship status, racial background, and the use of marijuana and cigarettes among males in California using data from the 2017–2018 California Health Interview Survey. Findings indicated that non-citizens and naturalized citizens were less likely to use marijuana compared to US-born citizens, while Asian and Latino males were less likely to consume marijuana than White males. Additionally, various racial groups were more likely to smoke cigarettes compared to White males, suggesting that targeted health interventions based on citizenship status and race could be beneficial.
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The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the depth and significance of healthcare inequality in the United States. Xiao, Xiao, and Gong examine healthcare disparities in the Richmond (Virginia) metropolitan area by analyzing whether people from disadvantaged populations must travel for longer to reach healthcare facilities.
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In this study, the authors address the current climate concern of high CO2 levels by testing solid forms of hydroxide for CO2 reduction and designing a drone to fly it in ambient air!