For public health, drinking water should be free of bacterial contamination. The objective of this research is to identify the fate of bacteria if drinking water becomes contaminated and inform consumers on which water type enables the least bacteria to survive. We hypothesized that bottled mineral water would provide the most sufficient conditions for E. coli to survive. We found that if water becomes contaminated, the conditions offered by the three water types at room temperature allow E. coli to survive up to three days. At 72 hours, the bottled spring water had the highest average colony forming units (CFUs), with tap and mineral water CFU values statistically lower than spring water but not significantly different from each other. The findings of this research highlight the need of implementing accessible quality drinking water for the underserved population and for the regulation of water sources.
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The Effect of Poverty on Mosquito-borne Illness Across the United States
Mosquito-borne diseases are a major issue across the world, and the objective for this project was to determine the characteristics that make some communities more susceptible to these diseases than others. The authors identified and studied characteristics that make communities susceptible to mosquito-borne diseases, including water in square miles, average temperature, population, population density, and poverty rates per county. They found that the population of a county is the best indicator of the prevalence of mosquito-borne diseases.
Read More...Genetic algorithm based features selection for predicting the unemployment rate of India
The authors looked at using genetic algorithms to look at the Indian labor market and what features might best explain any variation seen. They found that features such as economic growth and household consumption, among others, best explained variation.
Read More...A comparison of the water quality between Chinatown and Bayside: two demographically different regions
The authors looked at differences in water quality between Chinatown and Bayside. They wanted to look at the racial and economic demographics of each region and how that correlated to access to clean drinking water. Ultimately they did not find any significant differences in water quality, but identified important future directions for this work.
Read More...Implementing machine learning algorithms on criminal databases to develop a criminal activity index
The authors look at using publicly available data and machine learning to see if they can develop a criminal activity index for counties within the state of California.
Read More...Who controls U.S. politics? An analysis of major political endorsements in U.S. midterm elections
The authors analyze political endorsement patterns and impacts from the 2018 and 2020 midterm elections and find that such endorsements may be predictable based on the ideological and demographic factors of the endorser.
Read More...Socio-economic factor impact on malnutrition in South Indian government school children
The authors look at malnutrition in children and how socio-economic factors impact this.
Read More...Socio-economic and awareness correlates of physical activity of government school children in India
Here, based on the identified importance of physical activity in the development of young children, the authors investigated the effects of socioeconomic factors on the amount of physical activity of government-school children in India. They found significant differences between boys and girls, rural and urban, and children who were encouraged to exercise and those who were not. Overall, they suggest that their findings point to the important role of schools and communities in promoting healthy active lifestyles for developing children.
Read More...Influence of socioeconomic status on academic performance in virtual classroom settings
In this study, the authors conduct a survey to evaluate the impact of household socioeconomic status on effectiveness of distance learning for students.
Read More...Trajectories Between Cigarette Smoking and Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Use Among Adults in the U.S.
In this study, the authors characterized the trends of cigarette use amongst people who do and don't use electronic nicotine delivery systems (or ENDS). This was done to help determine if the use of ENDS is aiding in helping smokers quit, as the data on this has been controversial. They found that use of ENDS among people either with or without previous cigarette usage were more likely to continue using cigarettes in the future. This is important information contributing to our understanding of ways to effectively (and not effectively) reduce cigarette use.