This experiment assessed the effectiveness of a virtual environment as a method of exposure in the treatment of high school students’ public speaking anxiety. The results show that participants’ heartbeat was higher when they wore a VR headset than when they did not.
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Effects of Wi-Fi EMF on Drosophila melanogaster
While increased access to Wi-Fi has been a great advancement, we have a limited understanding if there are any health effects on animals. In this study, Anand and Anand exposed fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) to different concentrations of Wi-Fi electromagnetic fields, and observed effects on their reproduction and survivability.
Read More...The Effects of Various Plastic Pollutants on the Growth of the Wisconsin Fast Plant
Here the authors investigate the effects of plastic pollutants on terrestrial life. Specifically they look at the growth of Brassica rapa and determine that phosphate levels have the most negative impact on growth.
Read More...The Effect of Neem on Common Nosocomial Infection-Causing Organisms
Nosocomial infections acquired in hospitals pose a risk to patients, a risk compounded by resistant microorganisms. To combat this problem, researchers have turned to bioactive compounds from medicinal plants such as the widely used neem. In the present study, researchers sought to determine the effectiveness of different neem preparations against several hospital acquired human pathogens. Neem powder in water successfully inhibited microorganism growth making it a potential agent to combat these infections.
Read More...Threshold Frequency of a Bubble is Positively Correlated to the Density of the Surrounding Fluid
In this article the authors explore the peculiar behavior of sinking bubbles. By investigating the relationship between the viscosity of a fluid and the the formation of stationary bubbles, they identify why bubbles behave differently between in different fluids.
Read More...Understanding the Relationship Between Perception and Reality Related to Public Safety: A Case Study of Public Opinion on Local Law Enforcement in Andover, MA
A small town with low crime rates and relatively high education levels usually gives the perception of a safe and comfortable community. This study explored the connection between this perception, as defined by public opinion, and reality, as defined by US Census and FBI crime data.
Read More...Effects of Common Pesticides on Population Size, Motor Function, and Learning Capabilities in Drosophilia melanogaster
In this study, the authors examined the effects of commonly used pesticides (metolachlor, glyphosate, chlorpyrifos, and atrazine) on population size, motor function, and learning in Drosophila melanogaster.
Read More...Do Attractants Bias the Results of Malaise Trap Research?
Malaise traps are commonly used to collect flying insects for a variety of research. In this study, researchers hypothesized the attractants used in these traps may create bias in insect studies that could lead to misinterpreted data. To test this hypothesis two different kinds of attractant were used in malaise traps, and insect diversity was assessed. Attractants were found to alter the dispersion of insects caught in traps. These findings can inform future malaise traps studies on insect diversity.
Read More...Efficacy of Mass Spectrometry Versus 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance With Respect to Denaturant Dependent Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange in Protein Studies
The misfolding of proteins leads to numerous diseases including Akzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Type II Diabetes. Understanding of exactly how proteins fold is crucial for many medical advancements. Chenna and Englander addressed this problem by measuring the rate of hydrogen-deuterium exchange within proteins exposed to deuterium oxide in order to further elucidate the process of protein folding. Here, mass spectrometry was used to measure exchange in Cytochrome c and was compared to archived 1H NMR data.
Read More...Effects of Coolant Temperature on the Characteristics of Soil Cooling Curve
In this article, the authors investigate whether coolant temperature affects soil cooling curves of soil with otherwise identical properties. The coolant temperature is representative of environmental temperature, and the authors hypothesized that differences in this temperature would not affect the freezing temperature of soil. Their findings validated their hypothesis providing helpful information relevant to understanding how frost heaves happen and how to predict their occurrence more accurately.