In this study, the authors developed a model named DNA Sequence Embedding Network (DNA-SEnet) to classify DNA-asthma associations using their genomic patterns.
Read More...DNA-SEnet: A convolutional neural network for classifying DNA-asthma associations
In this study, the authors developed a model named DNA Sequence Embedding Network (DNA-SEnet) to classify DNA-asthma associations using their genomic patterns.
Read More...Methanotrophic bioremediation for the degradation of oceanic methane and chlorinated hydrocarbons
Seeking an approach to address the increasing levels of methane and chlorinated hydrocarbons that threaten the environment, the authors worked to develop a novel, low-cost biotrickling filter for use as an ex situ method tailored to marine environments. By using methanotrophic bacteria in the filter, they observed methane degradation, suggesting the feasibility of chlorinated hydrocarbon degradation.
Read More...Awareness of plastic pollution and adoption of green consumer lifestyles among students from high school
In this study, the authors test ways to increase knowledge of green consumerism amongst high school students. Their knowledge was measured based on the New Ecological Paradigm Scale.
Read More...Comparing Suturing And Stapling In Coronary Bypass Grafting Anastomosis
Coronary artery bypass grafts are a common technique to treat coronary heart disease. The authors compared the efficacy of suturing and stapling techniques using an artificial heart pump and silicone tubing and found that suturing, while more time and skill intensive, held pressure in the tubing better than stapling.
Read More...The Effects of Ocean Acidification on the food location behavior and Locomotion of Pagurus Longicarpus
Increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide is slowly acidifying our oceans. Here the authors test the effects of ocean acidification on the ability of hermit crabs (P. longicarpus) to find food. Though no statistically significant changes in food finding were observed, the data suggest a trend toward different activity.
Read More...An alternative to textile dyes: Synthesizing and applying PMMA nanoparticles to create structural coloration
The authors looked at developing a PMMA nanoparticle fabric dye that would be more sustainable compared to traditional fabric dyes. They were able to create PMMA based dyes in different colors that were also durable (i.e., did not fade quickly on fabric).
Read More...Influenza vaccine effectiveness by age for Influenza A/B viruses between 2011-2020
In this manuscript the authors looked at current vaccine strategies against different strains of influenza. Looking at several factors they found that influenza strain as well as vaccinated age group, among other factors, impact vaccine effectiveness.
Read More...Differences in postoperative satisfaction between orthopedic and cosmetic patients
In this study, the authors investigate differences in psychological outcomes from patients who undergo different surgical procedures.
Read More...Statistical models for identifying missing and unclear signs of the Indus script
This study utilizes machine learning models to predict missing and unclear signs from the Indus script, a writing system from an ancient civilization in the Indian subcontinent.
Read More...Uncovering mirror neurons’ molecular identity by single cell transcriptomics and microarray analysis
In this study, the authors use bioinformatic approaches to characterize the mirror neurons, which are active when performing and seeing certain actions. They also investigated whether mirror neuron impairment was connected to neural degenerative diseases and psychiatric disorders.