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Machine learning for retinopathy prediction: Unveiling the importance of age and HbA1c with XGBoost

Ramachandran et al. | Sep 05, 2024

Machine learning for retinopathy prediction: Unveiling the importance of age and HbA1c with XGBoost

The purpose of our study was to examine the correlation of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), blood pressure (BP) readings, and lipid levels with retinopathy. Our main hypothesis was that poor glycemic control, as evident by high HbA1c levels, high blood pressure, and abnormal lipid levels, causes an increased risk of retinopathy. We identified the top two features that were most important to the model as age and HbA1c. This indicates that older patients with poor glycemic control are more likely to show presence of retinopathy.


Breast cancer mammographic screening by different guidelines among women of different races/ethnicities

Wang et al. | Aug 27, 2023

Breast cancer mammographic screening by different guidelines among women of different races/ethnicities

Mammographic screening is a common diagnostic tool for breast cancer among average-risk women. The authors hypothesized that adherence rates for mammographic screening may be lower among minorities (non-Hispanic black (NHB) and Hispanic/Latino) than among non-Hispanic whites (NHW) regardless of the guideline applied. The findings support other studies’ results that different racial/ethnic and socio-demographic factors can affect screening adherence. Therefore, healthcare providers should promote breast cancer screening especially among NHW/Hispanic women and women lacking insurance coverage.


Machine Learning Algorithm Using Logistic Regression and an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for Early Stage Detection of Parkinson’s Disease

Kar et al. | Oct 10, 2020

Machine Learning Algorithm Using Logistic Regression and an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for Early Stage Detection of Parkinson’s Disease

Despite the prevalence of PD, diagnosing PD is expensive, requires specialized testing, and is often inaccurate. Moreover, diagnosis is often made late in the disease course when treatments are less effective. Using existing voice data from patients with PD and healthy controls, the authors created and trained two different algorithms: one using logistic regression and another employing an artificial neural network (ANN).


String analysis of exon 10 of the CFTR gene and the use of Bioinformatics in determination of the most accurate DNA indicator for CF prediction

Carroll et al. | Jul 12, 2020

String analysis of exon 10 of the CFTR gene and the use of Bioinformatics in determination of the most accurate DNA indicator for CF prediction

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease caused by mutations in the CFTR gene. In this paper, the authors attempt to identify variations in stretches of up to 8 nucleotides in the protein-coding portions of the CFTR gene that are associated with disease development. This would allow screening of newborns or even fetuses in utero to determine the likelihood they develop cystic fibrosis.


Using broad health-related survey questions to predict the presence of coronary heart disease

Chavda et al. | Aug 23, 2024

Using broad health-related survey questions to predict the presence of coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death in the U.S., responsible for nearly 700,000 deaths in 2021, and is marked by artery clogging that can lead to heart attacks. Traditional prediction methods require expensive clinical tests, but a new study explores using machine learning on demographic, clinical, and behavioral survey data to predict CHD.


The effects of age on quality of mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic

Bui et al. | Jul 15, 2024

The effects of age on quality of mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic

The impact of age on mental health is a crucial yet understudied aspect of public health. While mental health is gaining recognition as a vital component of overall well-being, its correlation with age remains largely unexplored. In Canada, where the median age has risen significantly over the past half-century, understanding this relationship becomes increasingly pertinent. Researchers hypothesized that older adults would exhibit lower rates of mental health disorders and report better perceived mental health due to increased emotional stability and maturity.


COVID 19 and the perceived impacts on adolescents’ and young adults’ mental health: A quantitative survey

Kumar et al. | Jul 31, 2023

COVID 19 and the perceived impacts on adolescents’ and young adults’ mental health: A quantitative survey
Image credit: Nick Fewings

Here, recognizing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on young peoples' mental health and wellbeing the authors used an online survey which included the short General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) to probe 102 young adults. Overall they found that young adults perceived the pandemic to be detrimental to many areas of their wellbeing, with females and those aged 18-19 and 22-23 reporting to be the most significantly impacted.


A comparison of use of the mobile electronic health record by medical providers based on clinical setting

Stover et al. | Jul 12, 2023

A comparison of use of the mobile electronic health record by medical providers based on clinical setting
Image credit: Tima Miroshnichenko

The electronic health record (EHR), along with its mobile application, has demonstrated the ability to improve the efficiency and accuracy of health care delivery. This study included data from 874 health care providers over a 12-month period regarding their usage of mobile phone (EPIC® Haiku) and tablet (EPIC® Canto) mEHR. Ambulatory and inpatient care providers had the greatest usage levels over the 12-month period. Awareness of workflow allows for optimization of mEHR design and implementation, which should increase mEHR adoption and usage, leading to better health outcomes for patients.