The authors test various machine learning models to improve the accuracy and efficiency of pneumonia diagnosis from X-ray images.
Read More...Convolutional neural network-based analysis of pediatric chest X-ray images for pneumonia detection
The authors test various machine learning models to improve the accuracy and efficiency of pneumonia diagnosis from X-ray images.
Read More...Detection and Control of Spoilage Fungi in Refrigerated Vegetables and Fruits
Food spoilage leads to a significant loss in agricultural produce each year. Here, the authors investigate whether certain essential oils can protect against fungus-mediated spoilage of fruits and vegetables. Their results suggest that the compounds they tested might indeed inhibit fungal growth, at various temperatures, a promising result that could reduce food wasting.
Read More...Analysis of professional and amateur tennis serves using computer pose detection
The authors looked at the dynamics of tennis serves from professional and amateur athletes.
Read More...Alkaloids Detection in Commonly Found Medicinal Plants with Marquis Reagent
This study investigates the presence of alkaloids in a variety of medicinal plants using the Marquis reagent. They reveal some surprising results and how useful the Marquis reagent is.
Read More...The utilization of Artificial Intelligence in enabling the early detection of brain tumors
AI analysis of brain scans offers promise for helping doctors diagnose brain tumors. Haider and Drosis explore this field by developing machine learning models that classify brain scans as "cancer" or "non-cancer" diagnoses.
Read More...Epileptic seizure detection using machine learning on electroencephalogram data
The authors use machine learning and electroencephalogram data to propose a method for improving epilepsy diagnosis.
Read More...Battling cultural bias within hate speech detection: An experimental correlation analysis
The authors develop a new method for training machine learning algorithms to differentiate between hate speech and cultural speech in online platforms.
Read More...Indoor near-field target detection characteristics under radio and radar joint operation at 2.4 GHz ISM band
In our modern age, the burgeoning use of radios and radars has resulted in competition for electromagnetic spectrum resources. With recent research highlighting solutions to radio and radar mutual interference, there is a desperate need for a cost-effective configuration that permits a radar-radio joint system. In this study, the authors have set out to determine the feasibility of using single-tone continuous-wave radars in a radar-joint system. With this system, they aim to facilitate cost-effective near-field target detection by way of the popularized 2.4-GHz industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band.
Read More...A Quantitative Assessment of Time, Frequency, and Time-frequency Algorithms for Automated Seizure Detection and Monitoring
Each year, over 100,000 patients die from Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP). A reliable seizure warning system can help patients stay safe. This work presents a comprehensive, comparative analysis of three different signal processing algorithms for automated seizure/ictal detection. The experimental results show that the proposed methods can be effective for accurate automated seizure detection and monitoring in clinical care.
Read More...A novel approach for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease using deep neural networks with magnetic resonance imaging
In the battle against Alzheimer's disease, early detection is critical to mitigating symptoms in patients. Here, the authors use a collection of MRI scans, layering with deep learning computer modeling, to investigate early stages of AD which can be hard to catch by human eye. Their model is successful, able to outperform previous models, and detected regions of interest in the brain for further consideration.