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Defying chemical tagging: inhomogeneities in the wide binary system HIP 34407/HIP 34426

Còdol et al. | Oct 05, 2023

Defying chemical tagging: inhomogeneities in the wide binary system HIP 34407/HIP 34426
Image credit: Pixabay

This assessed the hypothesis that stars in wide binary systems are chemically homogeneous because of their shared origin. Abundances of the HIP 34407/HIP 34426 binary were obtained by analyzing high-resolution spectra of the system. Discrepancies found in the system’s elemental abundances might be an indicator of the presence of rocky planets around this star. Thus, the differences found in chemical composition might demonstrate limitations in the assumptions of chemical tagging.


Fractal dimensions of crumpled paper

Zhou et al. | Aug 10, 2023

Fractal dimensions of crumpled paper
Image credit: Richard Dykes

Here, beginning from an interest in fractals, infinitely complex shapes. The authors investigated the fractal object that results from crumpling a sheet of paper. They determined its fractal dimension using continuous Chi-squared analysis, thereby testing and validating their model against the more conventional least squares analysis.


The velocity of white dwarf stars relates to their magnitude

Glazer et al. | Jun 30, 2023

The velocity of white dwarf stars relates to their magnitude
Image credit: Jacub Gomez

Using the European Space Agency’s Gaia dataset, the authors analyzed the relationship between white dwarfs’ magnitudes and proper motions. They hypothesized that older white dwarf stars may have different velocities than younger ones, possibly that stars slow down as they age. They found that the white dwarfs in the dataset were substantially redder and higher magnitude (traits traditionally associated with older stars) as compared to their non-fast counterparts.


The effect of joint angle differences on blade velocity in elite and novice saber fencers: A kinematic study

Greene et al. | Mar 02, 2023

 The effect of joint angle differences on blade velocity in elite and novice saber fencers: A kinematic study

Here, recognizing that years of training in saber fencing could expectedly result in optimized movements that result in elite skill levels, the authors used motion tracking and statistical analysis to assess the difference in velocity and blade tip velocity of novice and elite fencers during a vertical blade thrust. They found statistically significant differences in blade tip velocity and elbow joint angle kinematics.


Photometric analysis and light curve modeling of apparent transient 2020pni

Arora et al. | Oct 07, 2022

Photometric analysis and light curve modeling of apparent transient 2020pni

Supernovas are powerful explosions that result from gravitational collapse of a massive star. Using photometric analysis Arora et al. set out to investigate whether 2020pni (located in galaxy UGC 9684) was a supernova. They were ultimately able to identify 2020pni as a Type II-L supernova and determine it's distance from earth.


Impact of light intensity and electrolyte volume on performance of photo-electrochemical (PEC) solar cell

Patel et al. | Mar 14, 2022

Impact of light intensity and electrolyte volume on performance of photo-electrochemical (PEC) solar cell

Here, seeking to develop more efficient solar cells, the authors investigated photo-electrochemical (PEC) solar cells, specifically molybdenum diselenide (MoSe2) based on its high resistance to corrosion. They found that the percentage efficiency of these PEC solar cells was proportional to light intensity–0.9 and that performance was positively influenced by increasing the electrolyte volume. They suggest that studies such as these can lead to new insight into reaction-based solar cells.