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More Efficient Helicopter Blades Based on Whale Tubercles

Weitzman et al. | Dec 22, 2013

More Efficient Helicopter Blades Based on Whale Tubercles

Biomimicry is the practice of applying models and systems found in nature to improve the efficiency and usefulness of human technologies. In this study, the authors designed helicopter blades with tubercle structures similar to those found on the tails of humpback whales. The authors found that certain arrangements of these tubercle structures improved the windspeed and efficiency of a model helicopter.


Monitoring drought using explainable statistical machine learning models

Cheung et al. | Oct 28, 2024

Monitoring drought using explainable statistical machine learning models

Droughts have a wide range of effects, from ecosystems failing and crops dying, to increased illness and decreased water quality. Drought prediction is important because it can help communities, businesses, and governments plan and prepare for these detrimental effects. This study predicts drought conditions by using predictable weather patterns in machine learning models.


Building an affordable model wave energy converter using a magnet and a coil

Choy et al. | Jul 05, 2023

Building an affordable model wave energy converter using a magnet and a coil
Image credit: Joshua Smith

Here, seeking to identify a method to locally produce and capture renewable energy in Hawai'i and other island communities, the authors built and tested a small-scale model wave energy converter. They tested various configurations of a floated magnet surrounded by a wire coal, where the motion of the magnet due to a wave results in induction current in the coil. While they identified methods to increase the voltage and current generated, they also found that corrosion results in significant deterioration.


Do Attractants Bias the Results of Malaise Trap Research?

Martinez et al. | Jan 22, 2020

Do Attractants Bias the Results of Malaise Trap Research?

Malaise traps are commonly used to collect flying insects for a variety of research. In this study, researchers hypothesized the attractants used in these traps may create bias in insect studies that could lead to misinterpreted data. To test this hypothesis two different kinds of attractant were used in malaise traps, and insect diversity was assessed. Attractants were found to alter the dispersion of insects caught in traps. These findings can inform future malaise traps studies on insect diversity.
