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Adults’ attitudes toward non-alcoholic beer purchases and consumption by children and adolescents

An et al. | Aug 23, 2024

Adults’ attitudes toward non-alcoholic beer purchases and consumption by children and adolescents
Image credit: The authors

Consumption of non-alcoholic beverages, like non-alcoholic beer, is growing in popularity in the United States. These beverages raise important societal questions, such as whether minors should be allowed to purchase or consume non-alcoholic beer. An and An investigate this issue by surveying adults to see if they support minors purchasing and consuming non-alcoholic beer.


Vineyard vigilance: Harnessing deep learning for grapevine disease detection

Mandal et al. | Aug 21, 2024

Vineyard vigilance: Harnessing deep learning for grapevine disease detection

Globally, the cultivation of 77.8 million tons of grapes each year underscores their significance in both diets and agriculture. However, grapevines face mounting threats from diseases such as black rot, Esca, and leaf blight. Traditional detection methods often lag, leading to reduced yields and poor fruit quality. To address this, authors used machine learning, specifically deep learning with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), to enhance disease detection.


Converting SiO2 wafers to hydrophobic using chlorotrimethylsilane

Lee et al. | Aug 20, 2024

Converting SiO<sub>2</sub> wafers to hydrophobic using chlorotrimethylsilane

Semiconductors are the center of the fourth industrial revolution as they are key components for all electronics. Exposed wafers made of silicon (Si), which can easily oxidize, convert to silicon dioxide (SiO2). The surface of SiO2 wafers consists of many Si-OH bonds, allowing them to easily bond with water, resulting in a “wet” or hydrophilic condition. We sought to determine a way to modify the surface of SiO2 wafers to become hydrophobic to ensure safe wet cleaning.


Impacts of the gut microbiota on arginine synthesis

Lane et al. | Aug 15, 2024

Impacts of the gut microbiota on arginine synthesis

In this article the authors looked at arginine synthesis across different bacteria commonly found in different regional diets. They found that B. megaterium and C. sporogenes both caused a higher pH to occur on their agar plates compared to other bacteria tested indicating a greater amount of arginine synthesis.


Analyzing the relationships between years of experience and performance anxiety in teen volleyball players

Concha-Ortiz et al. | Aug 15, 2024

Analyzing the relationships between years of experience and performance anxiety in teen volleyball players
Image credit: The authors

Athletes with performance anxiety may struggle to play their best and enjoy the game. Various factors may impact how much anxiety an athlete feels, including how much experience they have in the sport. Concha-Ortiz and Navins survey teenage club volleyball players to look for relationships between years of experience and performance anxiety symptoms.


Color photometry and light curve modeling of apparent transient 2023jri

Favretto et al. | Aug 13, 2024

Color photometry and light curve modeling of apparent transient 2023jri

Observing transients like supernovae, which have short-lived brightness variations, helps astronomers understand cosmic phenomena. This study analyzed transient 2023jri, hypothesizing it was a Type IIb supernova. By collecting and analyzing data over four weeks, including light and color curves, they confirmed its classification and provided additional insights into this less-studied supernova type.
