The authors compare air quality in the presence and absence of a living wall in a high school hallway in Brooklyn, NY.
Read More...School sustainability: The implications of implementing living walls at schools for air purification
The authors compare air quality in the presence and absence of a living wall in a high school hallway in Brooklyn, NY.
Read More...High school students show some reluctance to COVID-19 guidelines
COVID-19 has officially been downgraded from the status of a global health emergency, but have COVID-19 safety practices become a new way of life for students? The authors collected survey data on COVID-19-related knowledge and behaviors of high-school students in Punjab, Pakistan and Santa Clara County, California, USA, so see where high-schoolers stand on pandemic safety today.
Read More...Racial disparities in school discipline in Collier County, Florida
Here, the authorized analyzed data from the Florida Department of Education Office of Safe Schools regarding disciplinary outcomes in Collier County public schools. They reported that Black Students were more likely to receive both in-school and out-of-school suspensions than White students, which they concluded suggests racial inequities in school discipline that requires addressing as a society.
Read More...High school students’ attitudes towards diverse cultures and ethnicities
The authors looked at how a student's own background influence their attitude towards integration of diverse cultures and ethnicities. While overall students viewed other groups positively, the authors found that groups still indicated they felt judged by their peers.
Read More...Comparison of three large language models as middle school math tutoring assistants
Middle school math forms the basis for advanced mathematical courses leading up to the university level. Large language models (LLMs) have the potential to power next-generation educational technologies, acting as digital tutors to students. The main objective of this study was to determine whether LLMs like ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama 2 can serve as reliable middle school math tutoring assistants on three tutoring tasks: hint generation, comprehensive solution, and exercise creation.
Read More...Bacteria and Antibiotic Resistance in School Bathrooms
Since school bathrooms are widely suspected to be unsanitary, we wanted to compare the total amount of bacteria with the amount of bacteria that had ampicillin or streptomycin resistance across different school bathrooms in the Boston area. We hypothesized that because people interact with the faucet, outdoor handle, and indoor handle of the bathroom, based on whether or not they have washed their hands, there would be differences in the quantity of the bacteria presented on these surfaces. Therefore, we predicted certain surfaces of the bathroom would be less sanitary than others.
Read More...The frequency and psychological effects of name mispronunciation in an independent school
The authors survey high school students regarding the frequency of microaggressions such as name mispronunciation.
Read More...The Effect of School Climate and Parenting Style on Academic Achievement
Research suggests that less effective styles of parenting tend to negatively affect grades, and more effective styles tend to produce higher grades. In this study, the authors verify previous research and confirm such relationships in a sample of African American students in a college preparatory program. By obtaining students’ perception of their school’s climate and parent’s parenting styles by various methods, the authors determined correlated these perceptions to student grades. They found no significant relationship between school climate and academic achievement.
Read More...Investigating Teen Audism: The Development and Use of a Survey Scale to Measure Misconceptions of the Deaf Community in a Hearing High School
The authors explore hearing students' misconceptions about the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (HoH) community. Results indicate that some misconceptions are more common than others, and that personal experience with individuals in the Deaf and HoH community reduces the frequency of such misconceptions.
Read More...Motivation’s impact on high-level high school students’ ability to balance academic and athletic stress
The authors looked at the relation between stress and motivation in high school students with 4+ AP classes that also played a varsity sport. No distinct correlation was observed, however, results indicated that there are other factors at play that influence both stress and motivation.