Here the authors investigated the motivation of a short squeeze of GameStop stock where users of the internet forum Reddit drove a sudden increase in GameStop stock price during the start of 2021. They relied on both qualitative and quantitative analyses where they tracked activity on the r/WallStreetBets subreddit in relation to mentions of GameStop. With these methods they found that while initially the short squeeze was driven by financial motivations, later on emotional motivations became more important. They suggest that social phenomena can be dynamic and evolve necessitating mixed method approaches to study them.
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Detection and Control of Spoilage Fungi in Refrigerated Vegetables and Fruits
Food spoilage leads to a significant loss in agricultural produce each year. Here, the authors investigate whether certain essential oils can protect against fungus-mediated spoilage of fruits and vegetables. Their results suggest that the compounds they tested might indeed inhibit fungal growth, at various temperatures, a promising result that could reduce food wasting.
Read More...Modeling and optimization of epidemiological control policies through reinforcement learning
Pandemics involve the high transmission of a disease that impacts global and local health and economic patterns. Epidemiological models help propose pandemic control strategies based on non-pharmaceutical interventions such as social distancing, curfews, and lockdowns, reducing the economic impact of these restrictions. In this research, we utilized an epidemiological Susceptible, Exposed, Infected, Recovered, Deceased (SEIRD) model – a compartmental model for virtually simulating a pandemic day by day.
Read More...Socio-economic factor impact on malnutrition in South Indian government school children
The authors look at malnutrition in children and how socio-economic factors impact this.
Read More...Socio-economic and awareness correlates of physical activity of government school children in India
Here, based on the identified importance of physical activity in the development of young children, the authors investigated the effects of socioeconomic factors on the amount of physical activity of government-school children in India. They found significant differences between boys and girls, rural and urban, and children who were encouraged to exercise and those who were not. Overall, they suggest that their findings point to the important role of schools and communities in promoting healthy active lifestyles for developing children.
Read More...Stress and depression among individuals with low socioeconomic status during economic inflation
The authors use the Census Household Pulse Survey issued by the US Census Bureau to examine the prevalence of stress and depression among people across socioeconomic statuses.
Read More...The influence of experience on the perception of homelessness in individuals
Economic disruptions and housing instabilities have for long propelled a homelessness epidemic among adults and youth in the United States. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this phenomenon with a 2.2% increase in the number of homeless individuals and more than 70% of Americans fearing this outcome for themselves. This study aimed to analyze the perception of homelessness in two groups: Those who have previously experienced and overcome homelessness and those who are at-risk for experiencing the same. The study analyzed publicly available Reddit posts by people in both groups and found that at-risk individuals tended to associate primarily fearful emotions with the event, and those who had overcome homelessness tended to view the event in a negative context. These results may encourage the establishment of resources to support the currently homeless and help them transition into society, and services to help them cope with negative emotions, as negative attitudes have been shown to decrease life expectancy.
Read More...The impact of greenhouse gases, regions, and sectors on future temperature anomaly with the FaIR model
This study explores how different economic sectors, geographic regions, and greenhouse gas types might affect future global mean surface temperature (GMST) anomalies differently from historical patterns. Using the Finite Amplitude Impulse Response (FaIR) model and four Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) — SSP126, SSP245, SSP370, and SSP585 — the research reveals that future contributions to GMST anomalies.
Read More...Employee resignation study in Fairfax County
In this study, the authors address potential reasons why employees may voluntarily resign. This is in response to the currently observed economic trend The Great Resignation. Through analysis of federal and local government data along with survey results from Fairfax County, they concluded that adding additional benefits will help companies retain talented empolyees.
Read More...Low female employment rates in South Korea are linked to the gender-specific burden of childrearing
Female employment rates in South Korea are far below those of other countries that are members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. We assessed job satisfaction, job retention, and the underlying factors that impact these variables for both genders and various ages through a survey. Among 291 adult participants (161 women, 130 men) aged 20 to 59, working in various fields, 95% of responders were college graduates. These results suggest that even highly educated women feel more pressure from an innate sense of responsibility and societal perception to care for children than men.