In this study, the authors investigate the relationship between iron/hydrogen ratio [Fe/H] of a type of variable stars commonly used as reference points RR Lyrae stars and their light curves to see if one can determine the composition of these stars solely by measuring their light curve characteristics.
We conducted this research as our start-up's research that addresses the problem of biogas production in cow-dense regions like India. We hypothesized that the thermophilic temperature (45-60oC) would increase biogas production. The production process is much faster and more abundant at temperatures around 55-60oC.
Rechargeable batteries are playing an increasingly prominent role in our lives due to the ongoing transition from fossil energy sources to green energy. The purpose of this study was to investigate variables that impact the effectiveness of rechargeable batteries. Alkaline (non-rechargeable) and rechargeable batteries share common features that are critical for the operation of a battery. The positive and negative electrodes, also known as the cathode and anode, are where the energy of the battery is stored. The electrolyte is what facilitates the transfer of cations and anions in a battery to generate electricity. Due to the importance of these components, we felt that a systematic investigation examining the surface area of the cathode and anode as well the impact of electrolytes with different properties on battery performance was justified. Utilizing a copper cathode and aluminum anode coupled with a water in salt electrolyte, a model rechargeable battery system was developed to test two hypotheses: a) increasing the contact area between the electrodes and electrolyte would improve battery capacity, and b) more soluble salt-based electrolytes would improve battery capacity. After soaking in an electrolyte solution, the battery was charged and the capacity, starting voltage, and ending voltage of each battery were measured. The results of this study supported our hypothesis that larger anode/cathodes surface areas and more ionic electrolytes such as sodium chloride, potassium chloride and potassium sulfate resulted in superior battery capacity. Incorporating these findings can help maximize the efficiency of commercial rechargeable batteries.
In this study, the authors investigate just how effectively paper towels can absorb different types of liquid and whether changing the properties of the towel (such as folding it) affects absorbance. Using variables of either different liquid types or the folded state of the paper towels, they used thorough approaches to make some important and very useful conclusions about optimal ways to use paper towels. This has important implications as we as a society continue to use more and more paper towels.
To address whether odor sensory circuits are organized topographically, the authors investigate whether the neuronal responses to similar odors amongst different mice mapped similarly in brain.
Understanding how bacteria respond to other bacteria could facilitate their ability to initiate and maintain their infectiousness. The phenomenon by which bacteria signal to each other via chemical signals is called quorum sensing, which could be targeted to deter bacterial infection in some cases if better understood. In this article, the authors study how a bacterium called V. fischeri uses quorum sensing to change bioluminescence, an easy readout that facilitates studying quorum sensing in this strain.
Given an association between nicotine addiction and gene expression, we hypothesized that expression of genes commonly associated with smoking status would have variable expression between smokers and non-smokers. To test whether gene expression varies between smokers and non-smokers, we analyzed two publicly-available datasets that profiled RNA gene expression from brain (nucleus accumbens) and lung tissue taken from patients identified as smokers or non-smokers. We discovered statistically significant differences in expression of dozens of genes between smokers and non-smokers. To test whether gene expression can be used to predict whether a patient is a smoker or non-smoker, we used gene expression as the training data for a logistic regression or random forest classification model. The random forest classifier trained on lung tissue data showed the most robust results, with area under curve (AUC) values consistently between 0.82 and 0.93. Both models trained on nucleus accumbens data had poorer performance, with AUC values consistently between 0.65 and 0.7 when using random forest. These results suggest gene expression can be used to predict smoking status using traditional machine learning models. Additionally, based on our random forest model, we proposed KCNJ3 and TXLNGY as two candidate markers of smoking status. These findings, coupled with other genes identified in this study, present promising avenues for advancing applications related to the genetic foundation of smoking-related characteristics.
Crumpling is the process whereby a sheet of paper undergoes deformation to yield a three-dimensional structure comprising a random network of ridges and facets with variable density. The authors hypothesized that the more times a paper sheet is crumpled, the greater its compressive strength. Their results show a relatively strong linear relationship between the number of times a paper sheet is crumpled and its compressive strength.