Because humans live in societies, they may feel social pressure to conform to majority opinions. This follow-up study explores whether teenagers are likely to change their opinions to match others’, particularly in ambiguous situations.
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The Effect of Statement Biased Popular Media Consumption on Public Perceptions of Nuclear Power
The authors investigate the effects of popular media consumption on the public's opinion on nuclear power. They find that regardless of education level or positive/negative bias of the article, participants are willing to modify their opinions on nuclear power after consuming a single article.
Read More...Correlates of Sugar Consumption Among High School Students and Faculty
The availability, portion sizes, and consumption of highly palatable food has been linked adverse health outcomes. McBurnett and O’Donnell sought to assess the relationship between reward-based eating drive, consumption, cravings, and knowledge of the effects of sugary foods. In this study population, reward-based eating drive was related to both consumption and cravings. Further, for females, the knowledge of sugar’s effects was significantly and inversely associated with its consumption.
Read More...Emotional and Psychological Effect of Music on People
Nolt and Elwonger examine how different types of music impact our emotional and physical states. They found that music can influence a subject's emotional state, with sad music inspiring sadness and exciting music bringing excitement. They were not able to find a clear relationship between heart rate and music type. Music's effect on emotional state can be useful when designing novel therapies for emotional and mental disorders.
Read More...Don’t Waste the Medical Waste: Reducing Improperly Classified Hazardous Waste in a Medical Facility
Hemani et al. tackled the problem of rampant hospital waste by implementing staff training to help inform hospital workers about proper waste disposal. The authors observed a significant increase in proper waste disposal after the training, showing that simple strategies, such as in-person classroom training and posters, can have a profound effect on limiting improper waste handling.
Read More...FRUGGIE – A Board Game to Combat Obesity by Promoting Healthy Eating Habits in Young Children
The authors created a board game to teach young children about healthy eating habits to see whether an interactive and family-oriented method would be effective at introducing and maintaining a love for fruits and veggies. Results showed that children developed a liking for fruits and vegetables, and none regressed. Half maintained their level of enjoyment for fruits and vegetables during the research period, while the other half had a positive increase. The results show that a simple interactive game can shape how young children relate to food and encourage them to maintain healthy habits.
Read More...Overcoming The Uncanny Valley Through Shared Stressful Experience with a Humanoid Robot
The "Uncanny Valley" is a phenomenon in which humans feel discomfort in the presence of objects that are almost, but not quite, human-like. In this study, the authors tested whether this phenomenon could be overcome by sharing a stressful experience with a humanoid robot. They found that human subjects more readily accepted a robot partner that they had previously shared a stressful experience with, suggesting a potential method for increasing the effectiveness of beneficial human-robot interactions by reducing the Uncanny Valley effect.
Read More...Investigating Teen Audism: The Development and Use of a Survey Scale to Measure Misconceptions of the Deaf Community in a Hearing High School
The authors explore hearing students' misconceptions about the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (HoH) community. Results indicate that some misconceptions are more common than others, and that personal experience with individuals in the Deaf and HoH community reduces the frequency of such misconceptions.
Read More...The Effect of Delivery Method, Speaker Demographics, and Physical Environment on the Engagement Level of Older Adults
With an increasing older adult population and rapid advancements in technology, it is important that senior citizens learn to use new technologies to remain active in society. A variety of factors on learning were investigated through surveys of senior citizens. Older adults preferred an interactive lesson style, which also seemed to help them retain more course material.
Read More...The Effect of Positive and Negative Reinforcement on Sixth Graders’ Mental Math Performance
What type of motivation is more effective: reward or punishment? In this study, the authors assess the effects of positive or negative on the math scores of sixth graders.