The authors test potential anti-inflammatory and pro-apoptotic effects of a polyherbal extract formulation on cultured breast cancer cells.
Read More...Anti-inflammatory and pro-apoptotic properties of the polyherbal drug, MAT20, in MCF-7 cells
The authors test potential anti-inflammatory and pro-apoptotic effects of a polyherbal extract formulation on cultured breast cancer cells.
Read More...Examining the relationship between screen time and achievement motivation in an adolescent population
In this study, the authors conduct a survey of high school students to evaluate the effects of screen time and habits on motivation.
Read More...Comparing the Dietary Preference of Caenorhabditis elegans for Bacterial Probiotics vs. Escherichia coli.
In this experiment, the authors used C. elegans as a simple model organism to observe the impact of probiotics on the human digestive system. The results of the experiments showed that the C. elegans were, on average, most present in Chobani cultures over other tested yogurts. While not statistically significant, these results still demonstrated that C. elegans might prefer Chobani cultures over other probiotic yogurts, which may also indicate greater gut benefits from Chobani over the other yogurt brands tested.
Read More...Identifying shark species using an AlexNet CNN model
The challenge of accurately identifying shark species is crucial for biodiversity monitoring but is often hindered by time-consuming and labor-intensive manual methods. To address this, SharkNet, a CNN model based on AlexNet, achieved 93% accuracy in classifying shark species using a limited dataset of 1,400 images across 14 species. SharkNet offers a more efficient and reliable solution for marine biologists and conservationists in species identification and environmental monitoring.
Read More...The influence of remote learning on sleep patterns of teenagers
In this study, the authors investigate the effect of remote learning (due to the COVID-19 pandemic) on sleeping habits amongst teenagers in Ohio. Using survey results, sleep habits and attitudes toward school were assessed before and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read More...Microbes Cultured from Garden Soil Positively Impact Seed Germination and Plant Growth
In this study, the authors investigate whether the addition of microbes from native soil enhanced the seed germination and growth of mung beans, pumpkins, and pea flower plants.
Read More...Investigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the cognitive dissonance of adolescents
The authors survey adolescents about aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic to explore perspectives that may give rise to cognitive dissonance.
Read More...The effects of stress on the bacterial community associated with the sea anemone Diadumene lineata
In healthy ecosystems, organisms interact in a relationship that helps maintain one another's existence. Stress can disrupt this interaction, compromising the survival of some of the members of such relationships. Here, the authors investigate the effect of stress on the interaction between anemones and their microbiome. Their study suggests that stress changes the composition of the surface microbiome of the anemone D. lineata, which is accompanied by an increase in mucus secretion. Future research into the composition of this stress-induced mucus might reveal useful antimicrobial properties.
Read More...Elucidating the Genotoxicity of Synthetic Food Preservatives with the SOS Chromotest
Evidence suggests certain food preservatives may be genotoxic due to their ability to impair normal cellular pathways. The authors investigated the genotoxic potential and effects of commonly used synthetic food preservatives, specifically sodium nitrite, potassium sulfate, and hydrogen peroxide.
Read More...Effects of urban traffic noise on the early growth and transcription of Arabidopsis thaliana
This article explores the largely unstudied impact of noise pollution on plant life. By exposing Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings to urban traffic noise, the study found a significant increase in seedling growth, alongside substantial changes in gene expression. This research reveals critical insights into how noise pollution affects plant physiology and contributes to a broader understanding of its ecological impacts, helping to guide future efforts in ecosystem conservation.