The authors explore how similar exoplanets are to Earth and whether they could be inhabited by humans and other living organisms.
Read More...Studying habitability of the exoplanents Kepler-504 b, Kepler-315 b, and Kepler-315 c
The authors explore how similar exoplanets are to Earth and whether they could be inhabited by humans and other living organisms.
Read More...From Waste to Wealth: Making Millivolts from Microbes!
In this study, the authors report their successful efforts to increase voltage production in a Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC), which is a system in which microorganisms produce electricity while performing their normal metabolism.
Read More...Variation in Caffeine Concentration Among Different Weight Loss Supplements Containing Green Tea and Green Coffee Extracts
Many weight loss supplements contain the stimulant caffeine, but do not disclose the amount. Here, authors measure and compare the amount of caffeine in different dietary supplements. This research gives consumers better understanding of the impact natural supplements may have on their health.
Read More...Determining the Effect of Chemical and Physical Pretreatments on the Yield and Energy Output of Cellulosic Ethanol from Panicum Virgatum
Fossil fuels are a limited resource; thus, it is important to explore new sources of energy. The authors examine the ability of switchgrass to produce ethanol and test the effects of pretreatment and grinding on ethanol yield.