A novel approach to determine which organism best displays Gijswijt's Sequence in its genome
(1) Canyon Crest Academy, San Diego, California
The genomes of organisms are filled with hidden mathematical sequences present in the sequence of the nitrogenous bases that make up DNA. Using mathematical and computational tools, many of these mathematical sequences can be deciphered from the genetic code. Gijswijt’s Sequence is a mathematical integer sequence named after Dion Gijswijt and is a self-describing sequence where each term counts the maximum number of repeated blocks of numbers in the sequence that precedes the term. Therefore, we are interested in finding the organism that best displays Gijswijt’s Sequence in its genome, or has a DNA sequence somewhere in its genome that is very similar to the integer sequence. We hypothesized that there is an organism that displays Gijswijt’s Sequence multiple times in its genome with significant matches to the input DNA sequences, and therefore, is the organism that best displays the sequence in its genome. We applied Gijswijt’s Sequence to the different permutations of the four nitrogenous bases present in DNA and using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) through BioPython in the Python programming language, we concluded that the common carp best displays Gijswijt’s Sequence in its genome.
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