TNJSF JEI Award Winner: Subin Pyo

Twelve projects at the Terra North Jersey STEM Fair received special recognition with the JEI Featured Young Scientist Award. Read about one of the young scientists, Subin, below.

Our next winner of the JEI Featured Young Scientist Award at the Terra North Jersey STEM Fair is Subin Pyo. Subin’s project focused on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Her project was sparked by the fact that over the last few years there has been an increase in IBD, specifically in pediatric populations. Subin looked at how diet and nutrition can regulate intestinal stem cells (ISCs) ultimately finding that HMGCS2 was differentially expressed in IBD patients. Following up in an organoid model, Subin was able to show that deletion of HMGCS2 resulted in a decrease of budding organoids likely due to delayed maturation or increased inflammation.

Through her experience in presenting at TNJSF, Subin pointed out that she was asked questions that really pressed her to think more critically about her results. She appreciated being forced to think about how her work could be used more broadly by the general public.

JEI congratulates Subin and her success at TNJSF!

The material on this page was prepared by Kari Mattison, JEI co-Editor in Chief. Subin Pyo provided the photo and answers to standard questions which was edited lightly for clarity.