Synergistic Effects of Metformin and Captopril on C. elegans
(1) SEV American College, Istanbul, Turkey
There are over 400 million patients suffering from type 2 diabetes and over 1 billion suffering from hypertension. Pharmaceuticals commonly used by these patients include Metformin for type 2 diabetes and Captopril for hypertension. Considering that the two diseases are interrelated, and can both be seen in an individual, Metformin and Captopril take part in combination therapies for many people. However, the synergistic effects of these active ingredients have not been previously documented. This study examines the effects of Metformin and Captopril using model organisms called Caenorhabditis elegans nematode worms. Concentrations of Metformin were 25mM, 50mM and 100mM, while those of Captopril were 2mM, 4mM, 6mM and 20mM. The combination group contained Metformin and Captopril synchronised as 25mM-2mM, 50mM-4mM, and 100mM-6mM, respectively. The independent variable is the concentration of active ingredients, whereas the dependent variable is the change in body length of C. elegans nematodes. The experiment involved the picking of the worms from the containing petri dishes under a stereomicroscope and measuring their body lengths with the software of a digital microscope. The results showed up to 25% decrease in average body lengths of the worms exposed to Metformin solely. Captopril caused 5% decrease in average body length of the worms. When Metformin and Captopril were combined, an increase of up to 11% in average body length was recorded. C. elegans body size is regulated by the TGF-β signal pathway, and the possible outcomes of the manipulation of body length by Metformin and Captopril are further discussed.
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